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BLIIoT PLC IoT Gateway BL110 Application 49--How to Add Delta PLC to COM Port

Views : 7129
Author : Chris wu
Update time : 2022-12-14 10:33:38
The configuration of the four COM ports are the same. COM1 is fixed as RS232, and COM2, COM3 and COM4 are optional serial ports for RS232/RS485 (the default is RS485). Because COM2 and COM3 of DVP-12SA2 are both RS485 ports, select the gateway to use COM2 connection as an example to illustrate the COM port acquisition and configuration operation. DVP-12SA2 COM3+ is connected to gateway COM2 A, COM3- is connected to gateway COM2 B.

COM Port Configuration

Configure the COM2 port according to the configuration parameters of DVP-12SA2 COM3, the configuration is as follows:
(1) Double-click "COM4" to enter COM configuration box.

(2) Mode selection: Collection.

(3) Because it is a collection of Delta DVP-12SA2, the device brand: select DELTA from the drop-down box, and the device model: DELTA_DVP. The polling interval and communication timeout in the button are set according to requirements.

(4) The baud rate, stop bit, data bit and parity bit are configured according to the parameters of the COM3 port of DVP-12SA2, which are consistent with them. DVP-12SA2 COM3 port parameters Baud rate: 9600, stop bit: 1, data bit: 7, parity bit: Even.

(5) Click "OK".

Note: Click "Write Configuration" and the gateway device will restart automatically, and the configuration of the COM port will take effect after restarting.

Add DVP-12SA2 to COM Port

(1) Click "COM4", click the right mouse button, click "Add", to enter device configuration box.

(2) Fill in the device name arbitrarily, such as: DVP-12SA2.

(3) Device address: The station number of Delta COM, fill in as required, the address must be consistent with the Delta COM setting, otherwise communication will fail.

(4) Click "OK" to add DVP-12SA2 device.

Note: After clicking OK, the added devices will be displayed under COM2, as shown in the figure above. DVP-12SA2, if you want to add multiple devices, repeat steps (1)-(4).

Note: Clicking "Write Configuration" will restart the gateway device automatically. After restarting, the DVP-12SA2 device with COM4 port added will be added successfully.

Add DVP-12SA2 Data Point

Taking adding data points Y0 and D0 as an example, the address of register X and Y of Delta DVP-12SA2 is octal, and the address of register D is decimal.

(1) Click "DVP-12SA2", move the mouse cursor to the box, right-click the mouse, and click "Add" to enter data point setting box.

(2) Variable name: Name the data point, such as: Y0.

(3) The identifier of the data point can be filled in arbitrarily. The identifier cannot be repeated, for example, the identifier of the Y0 data point is filled in as Y0.

(4) Select the collection address data format filled in the input gateway according to the requirements. OCT/DEC/HEX are octal/decimal/hexadecimal respectively. Register X and Y addresses are in octal, and register D addresses are in decimal.

(5) Address type: according to Delta's register selection, if you want to collect "YO", select "Y".

(6) Address: The register address of the collected data point, such as: collecting "Y0", so fill in "0".

(7) Data type: Select according to the acquisition PLC register, such as: "Y0" is the coil type, so select "bool".

(8) Add Number: The number of acquisitions. If it is to acquire continuous addresses, the same register can be acquired multiple times.

(9) Read/Write: according to PLC register selection. Select from "Read Only", "Read and Write".

(10) Map address: Fill in the address where the collected data points are stored to the BL110 gateway device, which can be filled in at will. Mapped addresses cannot be duplicated. Range: 0-2000. For example, the data collected from Y0 is stored in the "0" register address of the BL110 gateway.

(11) Variable unit: fill in arbitrarily according to requirements, or not fill in.

(12) Click "OK".

Note: After clicking "OK", the data points will be displayed in the box as shown in the figure above. If you want to continue adding data points, right-click on the box and click "Add" to enter data point configuration box, repeat (1)--( 12) Steps.

Note: Clicking "Write Configuration" will restart the gateway automatically, and the data points added by DVP-12SA2 will take effect only after restarting.

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